Blogi: Mikko Paunio, ma 28.10.2024 17:15

Implementation of the Brutal Theosophy - not Science - based Great Reset

In this presentation I will tell how theosophy, believed by itse followers to unite all world’s religions, has surreptitiously influenced over several decades the United Nation’s current sustainable development agenda or Agenda 2030 and its equivalent and complementary World Economic Forum’s The Great Reset. First I tell the untold story of how Finnish political actors, namely Vice Chairman of the European Commission 2014-2019 Jyrki Katainen and Finland’s Independence Anniversary Fund (SITRA), helped the World Economic Forum to have EU’s legislative bodies (Council and Parliament) pass the Great Reset or officially the Green Transition legislation with the circular economy concept with disastrous economic consequences. In the second part of my presentation I explain the religious motivations and the neomalthusian belief system behind the ideas that deny progress and eradication of under nutrition affecting 800 million in the Global South via hygienic principles, which made possible the public health miracle in the OECD countries in the 20th Century. 

Presentation in the autumn seminar of the Climate Forum October 12th, Iiris Center Helsinki 

In an interview with Suomen Uutiset (Finland's News) in February 2021, six months after the announcement of the Great Reset, I was almost completely unaware of it. In the interview, I told about Karl Schwab, when I should have talked about Klaus Schwab and I was in the belief that the elite would not do anything as stupid as what information about the Great Reset had leaked out at the time. In my book Green Lie published in 2015 (Slide 2), I had described in detail the theosophical nature pantheism and its history that has been influential within the UN and the Club of Rome, but I had not understood its connections to the World Economic Forum. 


Oh this naivety (Slide 3). I came to understand quite quickly after this interview, especially after reading the implementation guide for the Great Reset, i.e. The Great Narrative, that the Great Reset had been prepared for decades within the United Nations.

With this (Slide 4), I understood what was behind it when I was asked in the World Bank in the summer of 2007 to work on an absolutely crazy agricultural program, which I was told, was meant to be a background document for the forthcoming global agriculture agreement. Now I understand that it was a prelude to these demands in the documents of the various UN special organizations to cull cows UN and demands that we ordinary people should become vegetarians or insect or artificial meat eaters. The only good thing about getting to know the document was that I learned that the UN's green eyes count the even hundreds of thousands suicides committed with agricultural chemicals in South Asia as the victims of our “horribly chemicalized world”. Historically, green influencers have had difficulty claiming that chemicals - as Rachel Carson argued in her hugely popular 1962 book Silent Spring – have detrimental public health effects, which is not true in the light of scientific knowledge. The most tragic thing is that farmers in South Asia have to use old neurotoxic organophosphates, when DDT, which is completely safe for humans, was banned in the aftermath of the fairy tale of Silent Spring.

Another flashback, which I now understand fully in the context of the secret promotion of the Great Reset, was when the Prince of Wales sent a video greeting to the WHO Ministerial Meeting on Climate Change and Health in Geneva in 2014, where he appealed to the audience by stating: "The world needs a doctor." There was a pre-agreed arrangement, where supposedly based on this meeting, the then Director General of the WHO, Dr. Margaret Chan, would send a letter on behalf of the "doctor", i.e. the WHO, to the Secretary General of the UN, that the WHO supports the Paris Climate Agreement to be signed 12 months from this Geneva meeting. It didn't matter what the member states discussed about the topic.

The Great (Slide 5) Reset, which is practically the same and complementary as the UN Agenda 2030, is a collection of Sustainable Development policies to fight against the earth-destroying polycrisis (climate change/nature loss/pollution). Polycrisis concept has been added to the UN's official nomenclature in recent years, with an emphasis on human rights. Emphasizing human rights means Open Borders, whose political and legal context is based on the UN Global Compact on Migration signed by the then on behalf of Finland Minister of the Interior Kai Mykkänen in Marrakesh in 2018; the new UN Future Pact signed on behalf of Finland by the President of the Republic of Finland, Alexander Stubb. The latter politically legitimizes illegal migration and renames it as irregular migration and the former creates an administrative framework for illegal migration in the UN.

The Commission of the European has presented legal proposals based on the Great Reset (for example the Fit for 55 climate package, Circular Economy package and ESG laws etc, etc) to various councils of ministers and the European Parliament. E comes from the word Eco, i.e. eco-religion, S comes from the word Social, i.e. Woke, and G comes from the word Governance, i.e. the new economic system led by the world's large corporations, i.e. the state capitalism developed by the fascists in the 1920s, i.e. corporate fascism. With ESG capitalism, our pension funds are to be invested in the unproductive projects, as required by the EU’s taxonomy regulation enacted during the Finnish presidency in 2019. ESG laws also regulate the responsibilities of companies. This is why we see darker-skinned people and other minorities oppressed by white straight men in advertisements and in all MSM communications, regulated by WOKE ESG EU laws.

The Commission supervises the implementation of the Great Reset and is now enacting a tsunami of delegated or implementing acts specifying the aforementioned Great Reset community laws in a process leaving little or no legislative power to member states. Commissioner and Vice Chairman of the European Commission Jyrki Katainen and SITRA (Finland’s Independence Anniversary Fund Slide) played a significant role (Slide 5) in making the bills, which implement the Great Reset in the European Union. Immediately after becoming commissioner, Katainen presented to the commission to be adopted an extremely influential circular economy communication, which is mentioned in the pre amble portion in all regulations or directive amendments in the Fit for 55 climate package, Taxonomy regulation etc. What is really strange even in the Nature Restoration regulation proposal of the EU Commission this communication is found  in the pre amble section as "circular economy will help relieve pressure on ecosystems by reducing various forms of pollutants", though the opposite is true.  

SITRA has provided secretariat support directly to the WEF by establishing the World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF) under the guidance of the WEF. In 2010, SITRA or now SIMRA i.e. the now Finnish Independence Memorial Fund, actively spread false information globally that Finland was a model country for a circular economy. I debunked this in a commissioned article in the US Real Clear Energy platform a couple of years ago. In that article I wrote that with the circular economy, the EU is transforming into a planned economy like the Soviet Union with its binding utopian recycling targets (2018 amendments to Waste Framework Directive). A British journalist wondered to me in an email why Finland is such a model country for a circular economy and asked me to write a story about this as he was sceptical of Finland being in a master class in circular economy.

Finland is now under the Commission's infringement procedure along with 16 other EU member states, as Finland’s recycling rates are far below the binding EU targets. Recycling is not possible in real life except for metals and paper. In addition, recycling, which requires large investments and natural resources e.g. a lot of energy and water, pollutes nature and causes occupational and public health hazards. After returning from the misdeed in the European Commission, Katainen, immediately after being elected as SIMRA's new boss, told YLE (Finland’s public broadcaster) in an interview that the “old” linear economy destroys 90% of natural resources. The argument makes no sense what so ever. 

The role of the member states is to be post offices and to implement the aforementioned laws that destroy the economy. The laws also inculcate the citizens of the EU member states in the WOKE/DEI/ECO values ​​of ESG capitalism, i.e. corporatist fascism, which means condeming the nuclear family and promoting perversions such as transgenderism and even pedophilia.

Here (Slide 6), our fresh energetic commissioner and Vice Chairman of the European Commission tweets his admiration for the Great Leader for the platitudes he uttered in Davos during the opening day of the WEF annual meeting in 2015. This was Jyrki Katainen's first attendance of a Davos meeting as a Commissioner and Vice Chairman of the EU Commission.

The most important (Slide 7) global secretariats of the Great Reset and UN Agenda 2030 that subjugate us are here. First, of course, is the Geneva headquarters of the World Economic Forum, followed immediately by the UNFCCC, or United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, located in Bonn. I only know a little about the secretariat of the UN Convention on the Protection of Nature, but I bet it is located in Nairobi at the premises of the UN Environment Program (UNEP)? Finally, perhaps the secretariat of the most fatal subjugation is probably the New York City based secretariat of the Global Compact of Migration, which guides the Great Population Replacement in the Western countries.

The most important document of the Great Reset (Slide 8) is the "Limits to Growth" report in 1972, which completely wrongly predicted the destruction of the world by the Club of Rome with a rudimentary computer program. It has been spreading neo-Malthusian economic terror and poverty and  throughout the world for decades demanding that governments not to promote economic growth.

In the first summer of the most obviously laboratory-derived pandemic, Prince Charles of Wales publishes the book The Great Reset written by Klaus Schwab and French economist Thierry Malleret on his website, which immediately receives worldwide publicity. After becoming king, Charles's religious beliefs resembling theosophical beliefs were published in The Guardian. The fact that Schwab and Malleret come out of the closet with their book six months after the start of the pandemic makes me speculate that the pandemic was a perfect opportunity to test the global coercive measures required by the Great Reset and their acceptability and feasibility. Everything seemed to work like clockwork.

Schwab and Malleret published The Great Narrative two months before the war in Ukraine, which I read in eight hours straight. It made me feel sick. The core of the book is the harsh net-zero-carbon policy and the poverty and chaos it causes all over the world, but especially in developing countries (Slide 9). 

The GWPF report published in London on Thursday tells the truth about the effects of WEF's cruel human experiment. I myself have several such reports on the catastrophic public health effects of decarbonization in developing countries, which have been published on the GWPF website or the American Council on Science and Health. The Global Warming Policy Foundation is an organization that promotes rational climate policies. It was established by Margaret Thatcher's finance minister Nigel Lawson. It constantly produces material for public discussion. A new report of mine on green institutionalized radiation phobia was published on their website in July.

The scientific background of the Great Reset (Slide 10) is based on the work of the international climate panel managed by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and its published assessment reports and special reports. The general line has been that summaries of thousands of pages of more factual reports have been green-eyed and alarmist. I have very limited familiarity with the International Resource Panel’s alarmist reports, but I am reminded of the passage from Michael Shellenberger's book, "Apocalypse Never", also translated into Finnish, where the IPBES’s, IRP’s and WEF's claims about the large-scale disappearance of species is explained by the misinterpretation of one study.

The case of Yuval Harari, the number one "scientist" or rather storyteller of the World Economic Forum, who has risen to world fame, is politically interesting, as MSM protects him closely. He is an important part of the scientific scenery of the WEF. Two years ago in July, an article exposing Yuval Harari as a fraudster appeared on the significantly left-leaning Current Affairs platform, which even in Finland one platform (Tekniikka ja Talous) reported on. I haven't found any follow-up stories of this article globally. 

In an interview with Tucker Carlson, ex-cyber director of the US State Department, Mike Benz, and Micheal Shellenberger in two testimonies given by him to Congress, have described the global censorship-technical complex and its origins in detail. According to Benz, it was extended to Finland, Germany and Sweden in 2015, so that the populism that would disrupt the unity of NATO caused by the influx of refugees from Iraq, would not arise.

Because of this (Slide 11) book by 17 prominent Western conservative thinkers and journalists against the Great Reset and a review that I made of it, in November 2022, I received a lifetime ban from writing on my very popular Uusi Suomi (New Finland) blog.

Now let's go to the core message of my presentation (Slide 12). There has been a Great Global Theosophical Nature Religion-based UN/WEF conspiracy against nation-states for tens of years in the UN/WEF realm. There is nothing more secret about this conspiracy than the fact that MSM is trying to keep it strictly secret from the rest of us. The goal of the conspiracy is to establish a world government that is based on a common religion, i.e. theosophical nature pantheism, which is one of the perhaps even hundreds of Gnostic religions that have influenced the history of the mankind. We are dealing with internally enlightened people, who think they are morally above us ordinary people.

In a 2016 TV interview with Switzerland's public TV, Klaus Schwab tells how brain chips will be installed on us as early as 2025, which will connect us to the Internet so that he can control the mental movements of us. Yuval Harari has made similar comments in the world's leading media platforms, such as BBC's Hard Talk or CBS's 60 minutes. The sheer insanity of these claims and beliefs reveals that there is something truly peculiar in the background. The mere fact that Schwab's insane ideas cannot be repeated in the world's MSM alone shows that MSM is being censored and that journalists have become partisan actors against us ordinary people. Without censorship, it would be a great scoop to reveal that Klaus Schwab is simply an idiot. In Finland, not a single journalist dares to tell the general public by referring to the aforementioned interview that Klaus Schwab is crazy.

Here (Slide 13) I list my own book, blogs and those of others, which in various ways reveal the dangerous religious cult operating at the top level of the WEF and the UN. As I mentioned at the beginning in the second Green Lie published in 2015, I showed that occultism is rampant in the highest chambers of the Club of Rome and the UN, but I did not understand that even at the top level of the World Economic Forum, idiots have been promoting crackpot ideas for decades.

I would like to mention here the world's leading Woke critic James Lindsay's presentation lasting 2 hours 25 minutes, in which he talks about the letters written by the Belgian-born Robert Muller, the UN's leading theosophist, to the UN Secretary-General in 1999. In these letters it is e.g. revealed that the Great Transformation (=Great Reset) will begin in 2021 and that the new global empire will last 1000 years like the Nazi Third Reich, which lasted 13 years. When Lindsay goes through the letters, he paints a downright grim satanic picture of the UN.

Lindsay, who has a dissertation in mathematics, became known to the general public when he, together with some of his colleagues, participated in a 2017-2018 project, where the group sent a number of nonsensical fake scientific woke articles to peer-reviewed left-wing so-called science journals. These journals’ fields were the study of culture, gender, race and queer topics. The group said that their goal was to show the low scientific standard of these “academic journals”, in which they succeeded brilliantly. The authors had several articles published before the hoax was exposed via social media. The article that dealt with rapes by dogs attracted particular attention. Even Finland’s The Guardian i.e. Helsingin Sanomat reluctantly reported on this science scandal.

The UN Agenda 2030 and its sustainable development goals draw from theosophy, which draws from Gnosticism and the occult. This global religion was found when Madame Blavatsky, the world-famous con artist, discovered the long-lost truth that unites all the world's religions with the help of local gurus during her fake travels in Tibet in the 1800s. The world government needs a religion that unites the world. 

I myself began to familiarize with one branch of Gnosticism, i.e. the Rudolf Steiner cult, which separated from Theosophy more than 100 years ago, while doing a dissertation in the 1980s on the elimination of measles, rubella and mumps. Rudolf Steiner in 1910 had seen a vision on an inner space flight that contracting measles in childhood is good for the soul's journey. Because of this, Steiner or Waldorf school students are often unvaccinated, and especially in Germany there are often measles epidemics in Steiner or Waldorf schools. 

In this slide, I mention again Schwab's 2016 interview with Switzerland's TV, because in it he himself showed that he is a so-called a transhumanist, i.e. a softhead who believes in human machines and quantum intelligence and global consciousness on the internet. Transhumanism is a new name for Theosophy, which has changed from its original psychic scam sessions to these tinfoil hat beliefs.

Rajendra Pachauri, the long-time head of the UN climate panel, who had to resign due to a sex scandal, also showed that he is a tinfoil hat in his book "Return to Almoran" in which he praised his own sex skills with the help of Alter Ego. The book is full of theosophical New Age clichés and in it, for example, the narrator of the book named Satjay Nath, led by a guru in a tin hat - more precisely a transcranial electromagnetic stimulator - seeks connection with God. Connection is scientifically measured on a scale of 1-100. According to the religion of nature, the strongest parapsychological tin hat magnetic measurements are found in the rugged landscapes of the North Pole or, more precisely, the Norwegian Svalbard mountains.

It is no coincidence (Slide 14) that there are 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. The historical roots of Gnostic occultism can be found in a book called the Corpus Hermeticum, which is easily found on the Internet. The Corpus Hermeticum consists of 17 Greek stories. Gnosticism, which relies on human self-enlightenment, is a deeply anti-Christian theological doctrine, which you learn to understand through St. Augustine, the most significant father of the Catholic Church who lived in 300 AD. Augustine was originally a Gnostic who, e.g. ridiculed John's Book of Revelation as a Gnostic fabrication after converting to Christianity.  As an agnostic myself and having left our State Lutheran Church at the age of 17, I can without slightest hesitation say that we are dealing with satanic forces, as the fabrications of the Net Zero policies of the WEF/UN are cruel.

The most satanic theosophical green argument of the Great Reset or the UN Agenda 2030 is that by appealing to the necessity of a zero-carbon policy, the letter H, or hygiene, has been removed from the Holy Trinity of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene i.e. from the sixth Sustainable Development Goal, which was previously at the center of development policy. At the World Bank, I wrote this report (Slide 14) on the importance of environmental health in preventing child mortality and under nutrition with Anjalia Acharya, a young female economist from India. It was announced in New York in 2008 during UN Week.

When the green ideas came to the surface in the UN with the Gro Harlem Brundtland World Commission report published in 1986 environmental health policies were being removed from the development agenda. Chairman Brundtland - then Norway's Prime minister - herself, later the Director-General of the World Health Organization, personally eventually discarded environmental health or Brown Agenda from “Our Common Future” report. In addition to a doctor's degree, she also had a master's degree in public health from Harvard. This makes her political crime unpardonable.

The Brown Agenda (e.g. the development of urban water supply and sanitation) was gradually replaced by ineffective nutrition programs. Finally, in the 1990s, many if not almost all environmental health programs were removed from the agenda of the UN's special organizations, because functioning environmental health needs water supply in cities and the supporting uninterrupted electricity supply, which also guarantees important cold chain for environmental health practices. During Barack Obama's time, the World Bank banned all loans or IDA grants for less developed countries to investments in the fossil economy, with disastrous consequences. Today the word H merely stands for handwashing in the UN framework.

In our aforementioned report, we proved to be correct the idea originally presented in the classic 1968 WHO monograph that infectious diseases - especially diarrheal diseases - are the root causes of chronic under nutrition affecting 800 million people in countries with poor hygienic conditions. More specifically, permanent intergenerational under nutrition (stunting in English) occurs when a child suffers from several episodes of diarrhea before the first birthday. When a mother suffering from permanent under nutrition later delivers a child, she passes her under nutrition to her child already partly in the womb.

We also managed to come up with a valid explanation for the public health Mills Reincke mystery. The aforementioned water supply engineers Hiram Mills (USA) and Julius Reincke (Germany), who promoted environmental health, wondered at the end of the 19th century why water supply also reduces child deaths other than those directly related to poor hygiene. A natural explanation for this mystery or enigma is that, since improved hygiene prevents acquired immunodeficiency, i.e. under nutrition, it also prevents e.g. measles deaths not related to poor hygienic conditions. 

In 2017, WHO canonized the conclusions of our report because more and more important follow-up studies were published, which showed that diarrhea episodes of infants lead to permanent under nutrition. Despite the canonization, there has been no change in the formulation of development agenda towards appreciating hygienic principles anew. It is also worth noting that the WHO statement does not talk about permanent childhood under nutrition, but instead that the most significant cause of undernutrition in children under the age of five are diarrheal diseases.

Summa summarum: In the OECD countries, with environmental health legislation, institutionalized health protection and the construction of related infrastructure, we became one head taller and more cognitively capable until the 1960s. In developed countries, this necessary health protection based on legislation and institutions highly succesful work, which the satanic fools want to deny to the poor people of Global South. After one meeting of the Helsinki Social and Health board, I told former President Tarja Halonen's husband, Pentti Arajärvi, that I myself would not dare to wear those 17 sustainable development goal pins on my chest.

As a result of coincidences (Slide 16), the editors of the Catholic Postil platform became aware of my blog published in English in Oikea Media, where I showed, based on the empirical evidence, that I have collected for more than 30 years, that the World Economic Forum's policies along with the UN and the Club of Rome are influenced by a dangerous religious cult. These conservative Catholics criticizing the current eco/woke Pope  earnestly asked to republish my blog on their high-quality discussion platform, to which I agreed. At the same time, I offered them (Slide 17) also an in-depth English blog on famous Finnish deep ecologist Pentti Linkola, which I wrote in a dark state of mind in May 2021. I wrote in this essay about Linkola’s firm adherence to Nazi ideology. They were eager to publish this blog too. The reason to my dark state of mind in May 2021 was that opinion polls indicated that Germany would elect the first green chancellor since 1945 in the fall of 2021. 

In Nazi Germany, occultism was highly valued, e.g. in the inner circle of Hitler's deputy Rudolph Hess, which included e.g. Minister of Agriculture Walther Darre. On the other hand, in the Reich leader Heinrich Himmler's SS realm, occult rituals were an integral part of the activities of the top inner circle, e.g. in a castle called Wewelsburg. This castle contains occult ornaments and symbols, where the few and the chosen could join in the secret activities of the wacko SS temple lords. 

So in the Great Reset (Slide 18), we are dealing simply with fraudsters, who unfortunately have a enormous influence globally.

I believe (Slide 19) it is no coincidence that Ernst Stavro Blofield alias Klaus Schwab invites the most important guests to the Schatzalp hotel on Davos' Magic Mountain, where he is haunted by the ghost of Thomas Man in this cartoon. Davos housed an active section of the German Nazi Party before and during the war, and the Schatzalp hotel was a retreat for high-ranking Nazi officers from the late 1930s. When advertising its services, Schatzalp hotel likes to say that the events of Magic Mountain written by literature Nobel laureate and an occult mystic Thomas Mann, take place in this hotel that can be reached from Davos by funicular, but leaves out the fact that the hotel was popular with the Nazis. Magic Mountain has passages, which were influenced by mystic experiences of Thomas Mann attending three sessions lead by a psychic in Munich of which he wrote a "forgotten" book Okkulte Erlebnisse (Occult Experiences) in 1923.  Hence, neither wikipedia nor Encyclopedia Britannica mentions that Mann wrote this book. 

In this picture (Slide 21), our friends the founder of the Club of Rome and occultist Aurelio Peccei, Thomas Mann and Klaus Schwab are getting to know the mystical wonders under the guidance of Madame Blavatsky.

King Charles added, because he confessed his theosophical belief system in his 2024 Christmas speech in which he declared that all religions are equal.

Both cartoons were drawn by Mika Rantanen, who currently lives in Kenya after being fired by Turun Sanomat – a large newspaper in Finland, as his cartoons did not have enough wokeness. 

As I already have said occultism has also been rampant at the foothills of the Roman Club Finland's chapter. In my book Vihreä Valhe (Green Lie), published in 2015, I have written a lot about the transhumanism of Pentti Malaska, professor of future studies at Turku University of Economics. When he was the president of the World Future Research Federation, he e.g. predicted in Brisbane in 1996 that internet would become a global quantum brain. He also predicted non-protein-coded machine humans, i.e. silorgs and cyborgs, which were already then in some kind of womb state. In the 1980s and 1990s, Pentti Malaska had free access to MSM in Finland when he fiercely opposed nuclear power. Finland's former President Tarja Halonen has often enjoyed herself in the intimate atmosphere of the Finnish Roman Club.

Referring to the aforementioned lecture given by Pentti Malaska, a futurist named Paul Wildman, who influenced the UN, creates new entities, i.e. non-terrestrial life forms 1) Etorgs, 2) Macrorgs, 3) MVorgs and 4) Psyorgs. ETorgs are lizard-like, human-hostile extraterrestrial organisms known from Hollywood movies, i.e. classic UFOs, Macrorgs are perhaps even galactic life entities according to the Gaia theory, which classifies the Earth as a living organism, and finally Psyorgs are angels, draculas and others born from the existence of non-material consciousness the like.

Finally, I will briefly tell you where we are going in the whole world. I think it's very likely that Donald Trump will win the election and the dumb lords will be in big trouble. In particular, an American TV personality named Alex Jones, who gained fame as a conspiracy theorist, has done a great life's work exposing these dangerous scammers. I personally considered Jones a freak for a long time, but when half a year ago I saw an accurate prediction made on TV made by him in 2000 about the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York City on September 11, 2001, my perception of him changed radically. He based his accurate prediction on a US federal government report.

Jones has a tendency to sometimes have wild beliefs and especially many of his followers believe in the endless science fiction of these crackpot transhumanists, e.g. of the sensors installed on people, with which Schwab will take us ordinary people under control as early as 2025. So I believe that there are many people among Jones' followers who believe that transhumanists are telling the truth when they tell their nonsense.  All the same, he has got the journalist Tucker Carlson and a media influencer named Jack Posobiec as well as journalist Alex Newman fully involved in exposing the great influence of the global swindlers, though the fact that we are dealing with religious fraudsters in the UN and WEF is still a relatively small topic of discussions, especially among Christian activists (Slide 21). However, the aforementioned James Lindsay has now carried this religious torch forward with speed. There are Christian circles in the background, among which I mention the name of Lisa Logan, the sister of the top Reporter who was slandered by the mainstream media named Lara Logan. Based on the material provided by Lisa Logan, James Lindsay has made several lectures especially for Christians to combat this dangerous religion. 

The financial devastation caused by the Great (Slide 21) Reset is already huge. Sri Lanka was the first country to come under the auspices of the International Monetary Fund in the summer of 2022 with the WEF guided green Destruction that started in 2015.

Justin Trudeau, the soy boy of the WEF and Canada’s Prime minister since 2015, has caused complete and utter chaos in Canada when putting the country on the WEF's autopilot. With the climate, woke and open borders policies, young people have lost faith in the future, e.g. because the Open Borders policy has increased Canada's population by 10 million in ten years, which has caused a severe housing crisis. In addition, the nation has been starved with carbon taxes so thoroughly that it is difficult to pay for food, heat and mobility. Canadian Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland is one of Klaus Schwab's Young Global Leaders, like our former Prime minister Sanna Marin, Justin Trudeau, former Dutch Prime Minister and current NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte and many other Western leaders. Chrystia Freeland is a journalist who once wrote a bitter book about the WEF. She was bought into the club and is now a member of the WEF board. 

The EU's Green transition i.e. implementation of the Great Reset, combined with the Russian sanctions imposed due to the war in Ukraine, has caused the EU's financial situation to become dire, and for example EU’s power house Germany has her economy in tatters. I don't know what evil we have done to have such hopeless elite leaders who, like Justin Trudeau, are on autopilot for the WEF and the UN.

Thank you (Slide 22) for your interest


Additional notes

COM(2015)614 – Communication; Closing the loop - An EU action plan for the Circular Economy.

On March 8, 2023, a legal report was handed over to the 52nd session of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council, whose recommendation number 16 endangers our desire to protect our children from pedophiles and other sex offenders, if it directs national legislators like trans laws enacted around the world. 

UN Future Pact: Action 5 (e) Maximize the positive contribution of migrants to the sustainable development of origin, transit, destination and host countries and strengthen international partnerships and global cooperation for safe, orderly and regular migration to comprehensively address the drivers of irregular migration and ensure the safety, dignity and human rights of all migrants, regardless of their migration status;

Future Life Forms among Posthumans

July (2024) Infringement package;



Mikko Paunio ma 28.10. 17:15

Mikko Paunio

Kirjoittaja on helsinkiläinen terveydenhuollon erikoislääkäri ja Helsingin yliopiston epidemiologian dosentti. Hän oli SDP:n jäsen vuodesta 1977, kunnes liittyi Perussuomalaisiin 2021. Hänen työnantajiaan on vuosien varrella olleet mm. Helsingin yliopisto, Euroopan Unionin komissio ja Maailmanpankki.


SDP:n punavihreä Stadi EI ole reilu - Tässä näitä "reiluuksia"

ke 26.03. 16:48

Vasemmistolaisen indoktrinaation psykologia

to 20.03. 11:46

Punavihreä Helsingin tuhonta pysäytettävä

pe 14.03. 08:05

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la 08.03. 11:53

Hiilivapaa Suomen Valtteri Moilanen kieltää minua osallistumasta 19.3. Oodin ilmastopaneeliin - EU:n sensuuriteollinen kompleksi iski?

su 02.03. 11:37

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la 01.03. 09:32

"Joskus se koukkaa lännestä"

la 01.02. 12:51

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la 18.01. 12:52

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la 18.01. 11:45

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Tp-Utva historian polttopisteessä

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Mistä on pienet getot tehty?

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ke 14.06.2017 09:13

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ke 17.01.2018 08:44

Henry Laasanen

Kirja-arvio: Seksuaaliutopia - Feministien sota sivistystä vastaan

ke 29.05.2019 09:00

Arto Luukkanen

Punavihreä hallitus komentaa! Maakuoppaan mars!

la 25.02.2023 13:58

Mika Niikko

Suvaitsevaisuuden kirjavat käsitteet

su 13.09.2020 23:07

Musta Orkidea

Vieraskynä: Kirje eräältä äidiltä

pe 08.02.2019 13:23

Mikko Paunio

SDP:n punavihreä Stadi EI ole reilu - Tässä näitä "reiluuksia"

ke 26.03.2025 16:48

Heikki Porkka

Kultamunat ovat kuoriutuneet - Pisa-tutkimus paljastaa

ti 01.10.2024 14:12

Tapio Puolimatka

Sota Venäjää vastaan ei ole shakkipeliä vaan kansan tuho

la 25.05.2024 08:02

Olli Pusa

Käännytyslaki ratkaisevassa vaiheessa

pe 28.06.2024 10:23

Alan Salehzadeh

Ei shariaa länteen, vaan länsimaiden tasa-arvoinen lainsäädäntö muslimimaihin

ti 12.06.2018 11:53

Janne Suuronen

Rikkaat rikastuvat ja köyhät kituuttavat

ti 18.08.2020 10:15

Reijo Tossavainen

Auta avun tarpeessa

to 19.03.2020 07:33

Pauli Vahtera

Olisinko yrittäjä, enkä palkansaaja

su 25.10.2020 22:57

Timo Vihavainen

Häpeänsä kullakin

ke 19.07.2023 21:26

Matti Viren

Odotellaan vuotta 2023

la 14.08.2021 23:44