After Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's resignation announcement, Canadian major investor Kevin O'Leary, the leader of the lion's den, gave his insight into Trudeau on the Danieala Cambone Show. The sentence was more than merciless. Justin Trudeau managed since 2015 with the absurd "responsible" polycrisis policy of the World Economic Forum (the fight against climate change, natural loss and pollution) to completely destroy Canada by all economic metrics. O'Leary stated that Trudeau had tarnished his father's name forever.
Of course, it also includes the fact that Justin Trudeau pursued the DEI issue and was now in the final stages of enacting extreme hate speech laws that would have made everyone a criminal if they expressed even a little bit of themselves on social media in such a way that you could be interpreted as homophobic, trans or Islamophobic, racist or far-right.
According to O'Leary, Justin Trudeau's student friend Gerald Butts has been at the center of Canada's destruction. He made sure that energy, mining, industrial, forestry, wood processing, and rare metals projects no longer received environmental permits, and thus e.g. foreign investments were stifled. Trudeau also decided to shut down the 10 billion/year fishing industry. Butts served as principal advisor to Justin Trudeau. Butts has also been CEO of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Canada, where he was responsible for international cooperation and global projects to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions of multinational companies' supply chains. He also advised Justin Trudeau to enact the economy-destroying carbon tax.
The Open Borders policy driven by the WEF has brought 10 million people to Canada in a short period of time, which has caused a housing crisis. Young people can't start families because they can't afford housing. People cannot afford groceries, heating or transport fuel.
Of course, this includes the fact that MSM - especially the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) - has made sure that Trudeau has been able to destroy Canada.
Kevin O'Leary plans to do a series of lectures, The Case for Canada's in Harvard, where he promises to make sure that the people responsible for the destruction of Canada (especially Trudeau, Butts and Chrystia Freeland) get the punishment they deserve in public. Chrystia Freeland has been the most incompetent finance minister Canada has ever had, according to O'Leary. Chrystia Freeland is a member of the board of the World Economic Forum. O'Leary vows to destroy Gerald Butts' reputation.
As I have told in previous blogs, the law-making bodies of the European Union (Council and Parliament) have enacted the World Economic Forum's Green Transition Laws and laws on the transition to a new "responsible" economic system, i.e. ESG or stakeholder capitalism, 4-5 years later than Canada (=Great Reset) based on the proposals of the WEF influenced European Commission. The destruction of the economy and culture has already begun to be seen in the EU in the form of a weakening of purchasing power and economic outlook, as well as a poisoning of the social atmosphere as Russian sanctions continue to strangle - not Russia - but Europe itself.
The future Prime Minister Pierre Poilievre has already announced in 2023 that none of his ministers will participate in the World Economic Forum's Davos meetings.
Finally, Danieala Cambone asks O'Leary if he's going to Davos this year. To that, O'Leary: "This year, the Davos meeting is at Mar a Lago, where I am this year going." Davos meeting begins on Monday.
Shark tank program.
Kevin O’Leary: Trudeau, the ‘Idiot King,’ is Gone—But ‘Dante’s Hell’ Awaits Next Leader.
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Gerald M. Butts Vice Chairman, Eurasia Group
No Fishing Allowed: Trudeau’s Plan to Decimate an Entire Industry | Full Movie
Poilievre’s Davos Dilemma: As Prime Minister, His Ministers Won’t Attend the WEF, But What About Him? TDS News Breaking News August 14, 2023
Dimitri Lascaris: Activist Journalist Lawyer. Bill C-70: Trudeau’s latest assault on free speech.
Nina Dragicevic. Canada’s gender identity rights Bill C-16 explained - The bill sparked a national debate, but actually brought federal laws up to date with already-established provincial human rights code. CBC
Kirjoittaja on helsinkiläinen terveydenhuollon erikoislääkäri ja Helsingin yliopiston epidemiologian dosentti. Hän oli SDP:n jäsen vuodesta 1977, kunnes liittyi Perussuomalaisiin 2021. Hänen työnantajiaan on vuosien varrella olleet mm. Helsingin yliopisto, Euroopan Unionin komissio ja Maailmanpankki.
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