Blogi: Mikko Paunio, pe 07.10.2022 15:28

The World Economic Forum is a Dangerous Religious Cult

This presentation has been republished in a Catholic outlet called Postil February 1st 2023.

This was a 45 minute commissioned presentation in Finnish October 1st in Mediapolis Tampere in a Symposium titled 

“Salattu valta”
“Occult power” 

Mikko Paunio, MD, MHS
Adjunct professor in the University of Helsinki
Department of Public Health


The presenter is a 61-year-old MD from Helsinki. For more than 30 years, he has studied the new-old nature pantheism that was born in the UN framework with its partners, the Club of Rome and the World Economic Forum. This religion has much replaced Christianity in Western countries. Nature pantheism specifically draws from the “wisdoms” of theosophy, which is based on the esotericism and occultism of the world's most famous con artist, Madame Blavatsky, who proclaimed to have discovered the lost truth that unites world religions.

Many Christians around the world have been worried about the rise of the nature pantheism for decades and have harshly criticized church fathers who have stumbled into the new religion, such as the Pope. As an agnostic and a former long-term social democrat, I find myself in the same front with these Christians, because these Christians do not mix faith and reality like nature believers.

This is the story of how the wacko Temple overlords of Davos took over the world and how the coming winter's trials arising from Europe's green energy reality and how the trials will trash these wackos’ Great Environment Narrative.


Esotericists participate in social debate with extinguished lanterns, because they fear that their hoax thinking will be revealed to the general public

In the mid-1980s, I did my doctoral dissertation on vaccination compliance and vaccination coverage in the MMR project. The MMR project eliminated measles, mumps and rubella from Finland. In the last part of my dissertation, we sent a letter to 70,000 unvaccinated children’s parents, in which we told about the aforementioned diseases and their public health significance. Within a week Helsingin Sanomat (Finland’s The Guardian) published a letter to the editor written by an unknown lady stating that the MMR vaccination is unnecessary, because recent studies have shown that tenderness towards children raises antibodies against these diseases. A few years later, I sat on the Helsinki Health Board as a social democrat politician with the husband of the woman in question, among others. Both he and his wife were esotericists and occultists and had adopted the cult of Rudolf Steiner i.e. Anthroposophy. Later I found out that the author of the letter has translated large amount of German anthroposophical medical literature into Finnish, including crystal, zone, aroma, and other homeopathy like therapies. I will show in this lecture that the occultists have very well positioned themselves not only in Finland but in the whole world and that their influence is enormous considering that in my dissertation I showed that their share of children's parents was only one tenth of one percent.

Occultists always operate with extinguished lanterns i.e. they rarely expose publicly their real beliefs, because the justifications for their policy recommendations are so irrational that it is better to be silent about them. However, they make mistakes in public sphere from time to time, which eventually turn against them. Helsingin Sanomat's readers never got to know the backgrounds and motives behind the letter.


The thinking of occultists is based on nonsense dressed up as science

The Austrian mystic Rudolf Steiner, who died in 1926, had seen a vision on one of his inner space flights and told about his vision in his 1910 lecture in Hamburg, "Natural and random illness in relation to karma", that it is favourable in terms of an individual's soul walk that he contracts measles during childhood. Due to the extremely high contagiousness of measles, it has had an even greater influence in reducing the size of the populations in the history of Mankind than the more deadly smallpox, which was less contagious and occurred later and less frequently in life than measles. Aforementioned writer's whimsical beliefs and their backgrounds awakened in me, as a measles expert, which led to a decades-long interest in occultists’ irrational thinking and the social dangers associated with it. According to Oxford University historian Anna Bramwell, a third of the Nazi inner circle were anthroposophists and that greenness was an essential part of the Nazi ideology (Figure 1.). A representative figure of the Nazi faction August Haussleiter in the first party congress of the German Greens, was chosen to its first presidium. During the party conference in Offenbach in 1979 Haussleiter crafted the politically significant green operational theses shown in the picture, which the Finnish Greens copied into their own programs as such as did other green parties around the world.



Figure 1. August Haussleiter (shown on the right), a representative of the Nazi faction in the first meeting of Die Gruene in 1979 in Offenbach, became the chairman of the German Green Party along with Petra Kelly and Herbert Norman. His pen produced the politically significant green operational theses (ecology, social, grass root democracy, non-violence) shown in the figure, which the Finnish greens, along with other green parties around the world, also copied into their programs as such. (Figure is from presenter’s newest book Nuthouse folks’ climate revolution 2019).

With the exception of those esotericists who may have hit the audience, I assume that there are no one in the audience who consider the arguments of the aforementioned woman with anthroposophic beliefs about the unnecessariness of the MMR vaccination convincing, let alone scientific. Despite this, anthroposophy is often promoted as being science, even though it is nonsense. This is now the crux of my presentation. Although I will cover a lot of things in the following, the essence of my presentation is that, ultimately, global agendas based on esotericism and occultism or, more simply, the new nature pantheism, are nuts and therefore socially dangerous. Thus, for example, the policy demand of the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church, which it has imposed on itself i.e. carbon neutrality by 2030, is ultimately cruel and unethical, as I will show in this presentation.


For decades, the environmental policies of the UN, the Club of Rome and the World Economic Forum have been based on esoteric nonsense

The justifications of the UN and the World Economic Forum's anti-enlightenment global policies aimed at subjugating people are dressed in the form of science, even though they are based on esotericism and the occult and are therefore only the irrational thinking of fools. The central tenets of environment, i.e. climate change and loss of nature, have been credibly dressed in the form of science with the help of the mainstream media. However, the key actors of the World Economic Forum have made big mistakes over the past few years, which will ultimately compromise their pseudo-science narrative of doom and gloom.

Already in 1991, in my first book "The Green Lie", I made the observation that a large part of the activists of the neo-Malthusian Green anti science movement were attracted to anthroposophy or the more original occult thought, i.e. theosophy. Member of the European Parliament Heidi Hautala (Green League) was, for example, the long-time editorial secretary of the theosophical magazine Ruusu Risti, and Pekka Haavisto (Green League) Finland’s current foreign minister - has also admitted that he was fascinated by Rudolf Steiner's Gospel of St John. The latter work has nothing to do - despite its name - with Christianity. Anthroposophy separated from Theosophy about 120 years ago, forming its own occultist sect.


Esoteric means personal, which the singer Pekka Streng, who died young, described in his song "Inside me, I found the gate" in 1970. Occult means hidden or secret.

What is esotericism and occultism. Esoteric means personal, which was described by the singer Pekka Streng, who died young, in his song "Inside me, I found the gate" from 1970. Divinity is in man himself, which can be found through contemplation and meditation on inner space flights. Occultism has a theological meaning for many devout Christians who believe that in reality the power in the Vatican is held by occultists, i.e. the Templars who secretly worship Lucifer or Satan and who use Jesuits, Freemasons, Esotericists, Bilderbergs, Ku Klux Klan, Islamic occult organizations, Opus Dei, Knights of Malta and other secret societies as their assistants in worldly operations. As an agnostic and as a secular person, I find myself on the same front with devout Christians, because these Christians don't mix religion and reality like the WEF occultists do and because I believe these wacko temple overlords are very dangerous folks.

The origin of the emerging nature pantheism, can be found in the esoteric fabrications of the world's most famous deceiver ever, Madame Blavatsky, at the latter half of the 19th century, although esotericism has itself a long history dating back to Cabbal scripture. Blavatsky lied that he had been to Tibet and had found the long lost truth there with the help of local gurus. With the help of her truths, he held spiritualistic sessions for people who lost their loved ones, where they contacted the other side, or did masterful eye rolling tricks, believing that she was capable of miracles. She was finally caught when a professional British magician named John Maskelyne exposed Madame's tricks to the whole world in 1912 with his book “The Fraud of Modern "Theosophy" Exposed: A Brief History of the Greatest Imposture Ever Perpetrated Under the Cloak of Religion”. However, the hype sold and many Finnish artists were also in love with Madame, such as Akseli Gallen Kallela.


Esotericists influence among us with extinguished lanterns

When I was a young medical researcher I became one of the secretaries of the Prime minister’s Energy Committee in the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident in Finland. I myself and the other secretaries had to read an endless handwritten stream of consciousness from a committee member called Pentti Malaska, professor of future studies at the Turku University of Economics and Business. He was later revealed to have been an occultist. Malaska was also Finland's Mr Club of Rome in the Finnish Chapter of Club of Rome. Malaska had in the early 1990’s almost an unlimited access to Finnish mainstream media as an energy policy expert, and he was perhaps the most central player when the new 5th nuclear power plant crashed in 1993 in a parliamentary vote. All his hand written antinuclear comments were nonsensical and were useless to us secretaries when we wrote a report to support the conclusions of the Energy Committee released in 1988. The final report of the committee laid foundations that Finland decided to accelerate her nuclear program in 2002 despite heavy antinuclear campaigning by the Green League and its allies.


Well-known Finnish futurists have spoken semi-publicly wacko ideas without the mainstream media telling us about them

Pentti Malaska, who passed away in 2012, was the chairman of the World Future Research Association in the 1990s. He spoke in 1997 at the association's Brisbane meeting in Australia. In his speech, he predicted e.g. the emergence of a non-carbon-based new machine Man and made a forecast that Internet will become the revolutionizing quantum brain of global consciousness. In dressing this theosophical esotericism in new transhumanist patterns and clothes, Pentti Malaska's fellow esotericist and self-professed economist Paul Wildman, who has been involved in the UN future research programs (Figure 2), further developed Malaska's ideas by quoting Malaska on a transhumanist platform.



Figure 2. The UN and Finland's future research is a sandbox for occult mystics. (Figure is from presenter’s newest book Nuthouse folks’ climate revolution 2019.)

Wildman created four new machine-human categories for transhumanists. According to Wildman, they come from outer space: 1) Etorgs, 2) Macrorgs, 3) MVorgs and 4) Psyorgs. Etorgs are lizard-like human-hostile extraterrestrial organisms known from Hollywood films, i.e. classic UFOs, Macrorgs are perhaps even galactic life entities according to the Gaia theory, which classifies the Earth as a living organism. MVorgs are apparently micro-life born from bits of consciousness and finally Psyorgs are angels, draculas and the like born from the existence of non-material consciousness. Let us remember that Rudolf Steiner presented the true spiritual order of the world, which included angels, seraphim, cherubim, luciferic spirits, astral storms and etheric bodies.

The current dominant religion of Western industrialized countries, i.e. nature pantheism is based on esotericism and occultism, and has been promoted in the Club of Rome, the World Economic Forum and in the UN for decades.

Nature pantheism, which has become a political state religion in Western countries, have had a strong hold from the beginning in the UN framework of sustainable development and its supporting partners such as the World Economic Forum or the Club of Rome.


Figure 3. The founder of the Club of Rome, an Italian industrialist Aurelio Peccei, was a theosophist, who had stumbled upon Madame Blavatsky's hoax. (Figure is from presenter’s newest book Nuthouse folks’ climate revolution 2019.)

The movement that led to the current neo-Malthusian green dystopian development got a major kick-off by the Club of Rome with the famous 1972 report The Limits to Growth, which predicted world destruction. (Figure 3) The founder of the Club of Rome, the wealthy Italian industrialist Aurelio Peccei, was an occultist and esotericist. For this reason, it is not at all surprising that esotericism has been rampant in the Finnish section of Club of Rome, whose many members have been awarded Aurelio Peccei medals.


The founder of the Club of Rome, the Italian wealthy industrialist Aurelio Peccei, was a theosophist and thus influenced by Madame Blavatsky

Aurelio Peccei's 1977 book "The Quality of Man" reveals his worldview based on Theosophy and the discovery of the inner self, like the songwriter Pekka Streng. According to Peccei's understanding, the crisis of humanity is related to man's inability to understand his role in a changed world. We are neither psychologically nor functionally adapted to life in our new demanding role. According to Peccei, the Achilles heel of humanity is finding a place in a renewed world. According to Peccei, the solution to global problems can be found inside man and not outside him. The change that takes place from within a benevolent, albeit destructively behaving person and the spiritualization of his human image contains the keys to the solution.

The new humanism was enough for Peccei, unlike to his close collaborator Ervin Laszlo, who in his careless enthusiasm for transhumanism got side tracked and eventually had to found his own club. No worries, because this promoter of humbug was later chosen to become scientific advisor to the Director-General of the UN Educational and Scientific Organization, UNESCO. Peccei's new humanism would promote the distribution of wealth from north to south in the name of world peace. He also emphasized reducing the powers of states and transferring it to supranational bodies such as the UN. Peccei envisioned a new kind of governing system for the whole world and considered the sovereignty of states to be a big problem. He strongly believed that the surrounding reality forced a person's inner change and salvation, but he believed that the inner change of a person would take decades before the masses would be taught to live as well behaving citizens in the Global Empire of Man dreamed by Peccei.

From the beginning, the World Economic Forum committed itself to promoting the neo-Malthusian environmental agenda as a partner of the United Nations idealizing poverty and borrowing ideas from the Club of Rome

Klaus Schwab, the current head of the World Economic Forum, founded his organization on the recommendation of Henry Kissinger and the economic Nobel laureate Kenneth Galbraith in 1971, apparently partly relying on CIA grants already in the mid-1960’s according to an investigative journalist John Vedmore in his recent long article Dr. Klaus Schwab or: How the CFR Taught Me to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. The original purpose of the WEF was to secure US hegemony in Western Europe. (Figure 5)


Figure 4. The UN's most influential unelected environment official Maurice Strong, who died in 2015, was appointed as director of the WEF Foundation early on. He was an inveterate occultist and esotericist. He acquired one million dollars from the UN food for oil program meant for the children of Iraq without consequences. (Figure is from presenter’s newest book Nuthouse folks’ climate revolution 2019.)

Early on, Klaus Schwab recruited the by far ever most influential unelected UN environment official, Maurice Strong, a wealthy non-educated Canadian industrialist (1929 – 2015), to head the WEF foundation (Figure 4.). Maurice Strong was THE central figure in pushing forward the sustainable development agenda since the UN's first environmental summit in Stockholm in 1972. He was also an inveterate occultist and esotericist.


Baca Grande magician's big mistake in 1990

The actual slip-up happened in 1990, when a Canadian journalist named Daniel Wood got to spend a week at the home of Maurice Strong and his wife Hanne on the Baca Grande farm in the state of Colorado, USA. Wood wrote a long essay about the visit in the Canadian West magazine under the name Baca Grande Magician. It turned out that Strong and his wife had bought the Baca Grande farm in the southern part of the state of Colorado in 1978 and had built a nature pantheistic sanctuary of all the religions of the world, i.e. Theosophy, in this once one of the largest ranches in the USA. Wood describes what he saw: “All over the landscape there are signs of this latest utopian settlement: a sophisticated Catholic Carmelite monastery; A $175,000 solar-powered Hindu temple; a remarkable mustard-yellow hut; an underground Zen Buddhist center combined with organic gardens; a house containing crystals used in therapy by anthroposophists, etc”.

The most amazing things are revealed in the conversations held for a whole week. Like Peccei, Strong considered that the most important front line in correcting development is the competition between the innermost of human beings’ and the cosmos, but that was just the warm-up. The article reveals that in the early days when Strong was walking on Baca Grande with a journalist named Bill Moyers, they had seen a sage bush spontaneously flare up in front of them. This, according to Wood, was a divine omen to Strong, that Baca Grande would have an important role in saving the planet. According to Wood, Strong also mischievously developed a play in his mind in which he would use mercenaries to kidnap the participants of the Davos Economic Forum and hold them hostage and end the planet's consumption party. He doesn't have to do this anymore, because the top leaders of corporate life have decided – though forced by community SDG directives in the European Union - in their passion for responsibility to stop people's consumption parties and join hands with the WEF in a joint world management project against the rest of us. Strong's widow Hanne is a mysticist who imagines herself to be a born-again Indian. Maurice Strong used a middleman to acquire $1 million from money meant for Iraqi children and avoided prison unlike his middleman.


Let's move on to global politics of the day via Klaus Schwab's 2016 Big mistake

Well, now the table is set for a more day-specific discussion, but before that, we'll take a look back to 2016, when Klaus Schwab made a really big mistake. In January 2016, he appeared in a television interview with RTS Suisse in Switzerland, where he openly revealed his crazy esoteric occultism.

Anyone can watch that interview with Klaus Schwab because it has been published by so many YouTube channels or in Tik Tok. In it, Klaus Schwab tells how the microchipping of humanity will begin in ten years. At the beginning of the interview, Schwab says that they are first placed in people's clothes, then under the skin and in the brain, and finally with the help of microchips implanted in the brain, people can be connected to the digital world, i.e. the Internet. According to Schwab, this creates a fusion of the physical, digital and biological worlds. The interviewer asks to understand Schwab's thoughts that "we are without feelings naturally connected to the digital world like this?" Schwab replies: "Yes, you speak and say: I want to connect with everyone now." He continued: "First, we have personalized bots, and I saw Mr. Zuckerberg predicting that by the end of this year we will have such a robot serving him as a butler." Interviewer: "Like in 'Downtown Abbey', will we have personal butlers and servants or slaves in the future?" Schwab: "Yes, but there is a difference. This AI-equipped servant learns and is thus your intellectual partner in addition to providing physical assistance."

Everything that Schwab spoke on Swiss TV in 2016 is simply unethical science fiction. No such technology exists, nor will it ever exist. It's just the cranky old man's cranky thinking based on inner space flights and ideas derived from occult rituals.


Klaus Schwab's first lieutenant Yuval Harari's big mistakes and his science facade created by the WEF

Before I present the errors or slips made by Klaus Schwab’s top lieutenant Yuval Harari for good, I will give an example of how the WEF deliberately created a fake natural science CV for Yuval Harari, who is a historian. The profile of globally super popular Yuval Harari, an Israeli thinker, can be found on the WEF website. In it, Harari's natural science backdrops have been carefully thought out and written in the WEF website. He has been made to appear knowledgeable about the natural sciences by mentioning that he has written for the world's leading natural science publication, Nature.

My surprise was great, because he actually has an article in Nature in 2017, which is titled "Reboot for the AI revolution". When writing to the science community, he does not tell the fantastic story he told in the spring of 2020 on the BBC's Hard Talk and CBS's 60-minutes programs that the elite have microchipped people with vaccinations in order to get them under surveillance and under the control of mighty people. Of course, no such technology exists except in the wet naps of esotericists, or as they now call themselves transhumanists. If Harari had written in Nature the same lines of thought as in the aforementioned TV appearances, they would never have been published in Nature, and if they had been published, he would have received a tsunami of letters to the editor for his writing. Harari's Nature article is a round and flat artificial intelligence hype, which everyone can get to know easily by Googling. In his Nature article, he doesn't get any closer to Schwab’s and his own fantastical ideas than this. A direct quote from him:

"So computers could come to solve problems and even analyze human emotions much better than humans without ever developing emotions."

Yuval Noah Harari: Mikä selittää ihmisten nousun? | TED Talk

Figure 5. Yuval Harari is Klaus Schwab's "first lieutenant" and a transhumanist and irresponsible science populist and storyteller according to critique directed to him in July 2022. Here he gave a TED-X lecture in London, which has more than eight million viewers on the Internet; 8,823,337 views | Yuval Noah Harari • TEDGlobalLondon; "What explains the rise of Man?" is the name of the lecture.

In the fashionable WEF or TED-X (Figure 5.) seminars, to journalists and politicians and to the general public, in the aforementioned TV programs, he tells the incomprehensible, that the scientific problems of microchipping by vaccinations to organize mass surveillance of citizens have been solved with the huge advances in science. When writing to the scientific community in Nature he does not come closer than this to his fantastic storytelling to politicians, journalists and the general public. Direct quote again:

"The challenges posed by the integration of information technology and biotechnology in the 21st century are undoubtedly greater than the challenges posed by steam engines, railways, electricity and fossil fuels."

In the last sentence of the essay, he then aligns with his master and his master’s ideas of doom and gloom:

“Given the enormous destructive power of our modern civilization, we cannot afford failed models, world wars and bloody revolutions. We have to do better this time.”


Klaus Schwab emphasized in his answer to EU Commission President Ursula von der Crazy at Davos 2022 meeting that it is important to connect people's brains and the internet

In many YouTube videos Schwab’s comments on the EU’s Commission's microchip initiative to Ursula von der Leyen at the WEF 2022 Davos meeting can be found. Schwab emphasized in his comment that it is important to create a connection between the human brain and the digital world.

I am not at all surprised that tens if not even hundreds of millions of people now believe that the elite is planning something sinister for the ordinary people and have e.g. refused corona vaccinations for "reasonable" reasons. One also has to wonder that such recklessness insanity effectively bites the mainstream media and the politicians in power.

Klaus Schwab's Young leaders program WEF infiltrated also Finland’s cabinet as current Prime Minister and Finance Minister are now students in the program.

Figure 6. The Prime Minister (Social democrat; left) and the Minister of Finance (Center Party; right) of Finland have been chosen to Klaus Schwab's Young Leaders program as students. Photograph from the Finnish parliament’s website. 

On February 1, 2022, prominent Scottish social media journalist James Melville tweeted with a photo:

""So we invade governments".

Here is Klaus Schwab in 2017 discussing how the WEF has penetrated the governments of various countries with the help of its Young Leaders - such as Justin Trudeau."

Both of Finland's top young politicians (Figure 6.) have been selected to Klaus Schwab’s training programme i.e. to World Economic Forum’s Young Leaders program. The length of the training program is five years, after which they are accepted as alumni in this elite group of influencers of WEF.

According to Wikipedia, there are 800 WEF’s Young Leaders around the world.


In my commissioned article published recently on the Real Clear Energy platform in the US, I told readers of how WEF promoted Klaus Schwab's Great Reset in the EU and worldwide by using Finnish EU commissioner and the vice chairman of the European Commission Jyrki Katainen and Finland’s Innovation Fund SITRA

Real Clear Energy, a prominent American energy policy discussion outlet, approached me in August and asked me to write a story of Finland's alleged circular economy miracle and what is meant by the concept of circular economy. With this article, I am able to convincingly prove, how the World Economic Forum used Finland’s Innovation Fund SITRA and EU Commissioner Jyrki Katainen to promote Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset project, both in the EU and worldwide. 

In 2016, SITRA, which is subordinate to the Finnish Parliament, delivered a fabricated report on Finland's circular economy miracle and created the current circular economy concept to the World Economic Forum, which is harmful to environment, health and economy. By exploiting the concept, the European Union Commission made presentations to the EU legislators, e.g. the green finance taxonomy regulation, Jyrki Katainen's circular economy package and the massive Fit for 55 climate package, which is still mainly in the hands of EU legislators, and which ultimately will lead to Soviet-style five-year planning and the downfall of modern industrial society.

The 2016 report of SITRA on Finland's 21st Century circular economy miracle was fake news

For 20 years, I have written more than a hundred official evaluations and comments on EU Commission's waste legislation initiatives and its implementation in an EU member state. I have witnessed from a vantage point the bankruptcy of Finland's circular economy and green waste policy in the 21st century and how the forces behind rational waste policy finally got their way and a comprehensive municipal and industrial solid waste incineration plant network was built in Finland similar to that of Denmark and Sweden. This network is currently operating at maximum capacity due to the energy shortages caused by the green policies aggravated by the war in Ukraine. All that remains of Finland’s circular economy are smoking ruins. However, it will have to be faked due to the binding but unenforceable utopian circular economy legislation inspired by Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset.


Final reflection - How the scenes of globalists will collapse in the coming winter


Figure 7. Eco-Pope Francis signed the green Laudato Si Encyclical in 2015. Pope made a brilliant move to make himself an identity politician, which turned eyes from the Church’s horrific pedophile scandal and made him immune to scandals. (Figure is from presenter’s newest book Nuthouse folks’ climate revolution 2019.)

Thanks to the unconditional support given to them by the mainstream media, WEF’s insane global policies that are meant to impoverish us and aggravate environmental problems, have gained gound in all Western institutions including (Figure 7.) protestant churches and the Catholic Church. For example, the Pope announced in his 2015 green Laudato Si encyclical that he had joined the crackpot temple overlords of WEF.

The war against energy production launched by the Club of Rome in 1972 will have its grim final show this winter. This owes to Vladimir Putin’s successful attempts to pay anti fossil fuel campaigns in Europe in the 2010s and after Joe Biden came to power also in the US. These prevented fossil energy investments. Just 15 years ago, Europe produced more natural gas than Russia. This winter, Europe is completely at the mercy of Russia, because defenceless Europe, took the decision to impose energy sanctions on Russia.

The aforementioned big mistakes of Klaus Schwab and Yuval Harari, combined with the political turmoil during the coming winter, will undermine the dominance of the crackpot temple overlords and their lackeys. Cold and hunger can make people see through the lies of the environment narrative that the current mainstream media brings home to us every day. The Earth's climate is not recklessly changing and we are not threatened by nature loss.

The whole world has begun to wake up to the WEF's scandals of which the mainstream media is still silent about these appalling stories, which tells us a lot.

Tik Tok has a bunch of selected video clips about Schwab's dreams to microchip the brains of the rest of us and to connect us to the internet. Above Schwab's microchip Tik Tok microchip quotes it reads "29.5M views". If I understand correctly, this means 29.5 million views (now 64.5 million).

As far as I know, Finland's responsible media have not told Finns that Schwab has bragged that he chooses young politicians to join the WEF in order to gain influence. Finland's mainstream media has also not told that Klaus Schwab wants to microchip the brains of our people so that he can monitor, control and influence our mental movements.

No such microchip technology exists and the reason why Schwab makes such statements lies in his esoteric and occult interests.


The 2022 Davos meeting discussed taking away people's cars and forcing them to eat insects

Why don't Helsingin Sanomat (Finland’s “The Guardian”) and Yleisradio (Finland’s “BBC”) report on Klaus Schwab's irrational beliefs, but otherwise report comprehensively how climate change is being discussed at the World Economic Forum? In my opinion, this irrefutably proves that the mainstream media is tuned against us ordinary people. Last spring WEF meeting discussed how to take people's cars away and how to force them to eat insects. Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto (Green Party) and Minister of Transport and Communications Timo Harakka (Social democrat) represented State of Finland in Davos.


The fact that Helsingin Sanomat and Yleisradio are silent about WEF's nonsense shows that the mainstream media is tuned against us we the people

Why has Helsingin Sanomat and Yleisradio been silent about Yuval Harari's irresponsible and nonsensical talk of microchipping people with vaccinations, even though such microchips do not exist. They are just the wild wet naps of the esoteric occult sect, the transhumanists, rampant in the upper echelons of the World Economic Forum. Yuval Harari's writings have recently been harshly criticized in Current Affairs in July this year with notably few if any follow-up stories. Harari's ideas were described briefly as irresponsible scientific populism in newspaper called Tekniikka ja Talous also in Finland.

We the people can get the evidence of the genuine WEF "secret" society of wacko Temple overlords easily with the click of a mouse and by googling. However, we are accused in mainstream media of being conspiracy theorists when we wonder about the weirdness of  WEF. In the summer, my brother and I bought t-shirts from the US, where it reads "Give us new conspiracy theories, because the old ones have come true." There is nothing secret in WEF's "secret" alliance against us we the people than the fact that the mainstream western media wants to keep it a secret from us ordinary people, which of course won't happen any longer.


Do the upper echelon occultists prepare something even more gruesome for us mere mortals? Perhaps WEF's cruel human experiment in Sri Lanka gives a clue?

I'm not surprised that even hundreds of millions of people think the elite is planning something sinister to us and have thus refused Covid-19 vaccinations for "common sense" reasons. One also has to wonder that the strange WEF hype bites the mainstream media and the politicians in power.

A good friend of mine sent me a link to the 2016 Sri Lanka Economic Forum website. The economic forum in question was one of the regional forums of the World Economic Forum, where George Soros and other actors of the global economy planned the green inclusive sustainable development of Sri Lanka, which – as it turned out - was neither. The academic profile of the meeting was polished, e.g. by engaging Harvard University in the meeting and inviting climate change activist, money printing advocate and economic Nobel laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz to be the speaker. The inclusive vision of the meeting extended to 2023, when manna was supposed to rain from the sky in Sri Lanka and macroeconomic stability was supposed to prevail.

In 2019, newly elected Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa – whose political party is described as socially right-wing and economically left-wing – unveiled a grand “Green New Deal” and his vision for Sri Lanka. In many respects, it resembles the European Union's Great Reset, i.e. the aforementioned community legislation enacted and still to be enacted, which the European Central Bank has supported by printing money. The Sri Lankan Disaster was ultimately caused by the policy directed through the UN and the WEF, which has aimed to steer countries towards meeting the UN's Sustainable Development so-called SDG goals. 

For several years, I have written essays and reports and given presentations in English about the destructiveness of this SDG policies, especially for the poorest countries based on my work in the World Bank. Particularly destructive is the SDG6 policy, from which the letter H, i.e. hygiene, has been dropped. Promoting hygiene, as was done in rich countries during the past Century, would make it possible to eradicate intergenerational under nutrition, which is devastating public health problem in poor countries, and now affects 800 million people. Hygiene promotion does not suit those who believe in Malthusian ideas and nature pantheism, because it would require the extension of electricity and water supply to billions of poor people.


Sri Lanka's Green Transition is mistakenly reminiscent of the EU and US Green Transitions or Build Back Better policies

The main cause of the massive disaster was the complete greening of Sri Lankan agriculture. At the beginning of March 2022, the catastrophic consequences of this greening were updated on the pages of Foreign Policy, i.e. four months before the final collapse. It appears from this article that in April 2021, Rajapaksa's government implemented its green government program and banned the imports and use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides nationwide and ordered the country's two million farmers to switch to organic farming. The program was called "a vision of splendor and prosperity", just as now in the EU we are being sold the Fit for 55 Climate Package and the absurd regulations of the circular economy by promising an open and brilliant future.

After seven months of absurdity, Rajapaksa's government had to back down on the green agricultural policy, but permanent damage had already been caused to food security and Sri Lanka had to e.g. to buy expensive rice from the world market, which contributed to the macroeconomic crisis. At the end of last June, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) visited the country. During the visit, future reforms were agreed upon, with which the collapsed macroeconomic stability will be restored with a loan granted by the IMF.


Yuval Harari referred to "useless people" in his books and speeches, which has worried people

The catastrophic events in Sri Lanka and the involvement of the WEF in creating this cruel human experiment have made many people wonder, what the ultimate goals of the world's power elite really are? Now many commentators have drawn their attention to the fact that Yuval Harari has spoken and written a lot about useless people. Conspiracy theorists and devout Christians in the US have had an unfriendly eye for a long time on a mysterious stone slab built in 1980 in the state of Georgia with writings in English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Arabic, Mandarin Chinese and Russian, as well as Babylonian, classical Greek, Sanskrit and ancient Egyptian. These writings were meant for the people after the end of the world, which was labelled as the future Age of Reason. The stone was destroyed by blowing it up last July. Its first wisdom read:

"Let the world's population be kept below 500 million people."


We the people need to wake up and fast

I don't come from a religious family, but from a family that has supported social democrats for three generations. After a long and varied consideration, I made the decision to join the Finns Party, e.g. because in recent years the far left thinking has become anti-democratic and finally became so repulsive that I resigned from Finland’s Social Democratic Party in January 2021 after paying membership fees since 1977. I have a long career as a sceptical researcher. Science is not a faith but fundamentally based on doubts and questions. I have come to the conclusion that democracies and nation states are threatened with destruction if the citizens do not widely wake up to protest the supremacy of these insane temple overlords. I'm sure that next winter's trials resulting from decades of green energy policies and the revelation of the stupidity of the WEF's idiots to an ever wider group of people, even by force with the help of e.g. social media, will lead to an awakening.

We the people, ordinary workers and entrepreneurs who love their country and family must wake up to defend enlightenment, freedom and modern society. Only the pursuit of good, starting from one's own starting points, can displace these human experiments conducted from abroad. Finland, as a society in its own right and as a historically dominated by other nations, is now a solid platform for some kind of crazy experiments, unless our decision makers are aware of the enormous dangers associated with them.

Paunio M, Virtanen M, Peltola H, Cantell K, Paunio P, Valle M, Karanko V, Heinonen OP. Increase of vaccination coverage by mass media and individual approach: intensified measles, mumps, and rubella prevention program in Finland. Am J Epidemiol. 1991 Jun 1;133(11):1152-60. doi: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.aje.a115827, PMID: 2035518


Mikko Paunio pe 07.10. 15:28

Mikko Paunio

Kirjoittaja on helsinkiläinen terveydenhuollon erikoislääkäri ja Helsingin yliopiston epidemiologian dosentti. Hän oli SDP:n jäsen vuodesta 1977, kunnes liittyi Perussuomalaisiin 2021. Hänen työnantajiaan on vuosien varrella olleet mm. Helsingin yliopisto, Euroopan Unionin komissio ja Maailmanpankki.


Vasemmistolaisen indoktrinaation psykologia

to 20.03. 11:46

Punavihreä Helsingin tuhonta pysäytettävä

pe 14.03. 08:05

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su 12.01. 14:57

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ma 30.12. 17:24



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Mistä on pienet getot tehty?

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Jolla on korvat, se kuulkoon

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Punavihreä hallitus komentaa! Maakuoppaan mars!

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Auta avun tarpeessa

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Häpeänsä kullakin

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